Movement Kalki and Gau Rakshak Organization Members Discuss Formation of Romeo Force and Anti-Gunda Squad with DIG Police Under the Leadership of Advocate Someshwar Kohli

'Movement Kalki and Gau Rakshak Organization Members Discuss Formation of Romeo Force and Anti-Gunda Squad with DIG Police Under the Leadership of Advocate Someshwar Kohli'

A delegation from Movement Kalki and the Gau Rakshak Organization, led by Advocate Someshwar Kohli, a member of the Legal Advisory Board, met with DIG Police, Shiv Kumar, today to discuss the urgent need for the formation of a "Romeo Force" and an "Anti-Gunda Squad" in Jammu.

During the discussion, Advocate Someshwar Kohli highlighted the rising incidents of harassment, stalking, and obscene behavior towards female students outside schools, colleges, and tuition centers. He emphasized that these acts create an atmosphere of fear among students, often forcing them to abandon their education. Movement Kalki and the Gau Rakshak Organization demanded the formation of a special "Romeo Force," similar to the initiative in Uttar Pradesh, to ensure women's safety and take strict action against such anti-social elements.

Additionally, the delegation expressed deep concern over the increasing crime rates in Jammu, including daylight robberies, thefts, cow smuggling, and organized criminal activities. With the growing influence of external criminal elements, Movement Kalki and the Gau Rakshak Organization urged the police administration to establish a dedicated "Anti-Gunda Squad" to crack down on hardened criminals and strengthen law and order in the region.

DIG Police, Shiv Kumar, listened to the concerns of Movement Kalki and the Gau Rakshak Organization seriously and assured that appropriate steps would be considered to address these issues. Advocate Someshwar Kohli described the discussion as positive and expressed hope that the administration would take concrete action soon.

Movement Kalki and the Gau Rakshak Organization have warned that if swift action is not taken, they will be compelled to launch a mass movement in collaboration with the public.