Of 1,727,241 kanals encroached land, 1,539,662 kanals retrieved in J&K: Govt

'Of 1,727,241 kanals encroached land, 1,539,662 kanals retrieved in J&K: Govt'

Jammu and Kashmir government on Thursday said that of 1,727,241 kanals of encroached land, 1,539,662 kanals have been retrieved. 

Replying to a question of MLA Rajiv Jasrotia, the minister incharge, said that the total state land under the illegal occupation of encroachers in J&K was 1,727,241 kanals and 8 marlas while 1,539,662 kanals and 15.5 marlas have been already retrieved

He said that 3,13,645 kanals and 12 marlas are still occupied by encroachers, however, the eviction process has been already initiated as per relevant rules.

The tentative value of land that is still under illegal occupation of encroachers is 18,049.6 crores, he said. 

"The revenue department has not transferred state land to any private individuals for setting up of industrial estates, however, on the basis of indents placed by Industries & Commerce Department, land measuring 12,260 kanal 03 marla has been transferred to Industries & Commerce Department in various districts during the last two years," he said.

He added that state land measuring 129 kanal has been allotted to PMAY(G) beneficiaries leased in the last two years