Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji inaugurated the state-of-the-art campus of theIndian Institute of Management (IIM) on February 20th, 2024, during his visit to Jammu. Spread across 200 acres of landin Jagti, the campus reflects the Institute's commitment to providing high-quality management education and fosteringinclusivity. The momentous occasion was graced by the esteemed virtual presence of the Honourable Prime Minister ShriNarendra Modi Ji during his visit to Jammu, along with Dr. Jitendra Singh Ji, Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Scienceand Technology, Department of Space and Department of Atomic Energy, Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble Lt. Governor of theUnion Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Jugal Kishore Sharma, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, and distinguishedguests. This event symbolizes a significant milestone in the Institute's unwavering pursuit of academic excellence andinclusivity.A short film on the "Making of IIM Jammu: Brick by Brick,” was shown. The inaugural ceremony commenced with theceremonial lighting of the lamp, symbolizing enlightenment, and auspiciousness, followed by a soul-stirring rendition ofSaraswati Vandana by artists from JKAACL, invoking the blessings of the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and the arts.Padmashri Dr. Milind K Kamble, Chairman of the Board of Governors, eloquently captured the significance of thismomentous occasion with his profound words, emphasizing, "The inauguration of IIM Jammu's permanent campus marksa monumental leap forward in our collective pursuit of fostering excellence in management education."He also emphasized the collaborative efforts with Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble Minister of Education, SkillDevelopment, and Entrepreneurship, to propel IIM Jammu into the top ten B-schools in the country. He reiterated his visionof creating world-class infrastructure, affirming that the institute has made significant strides towards this goal. He assuredthat in the times to come, the institute will continue to strive for academic excellence and overall institutional brilliance.Shri Deepak Mukadam, Former Member, Board of Governors, IIM Jammu fondly reminisced about the humble beginningsof IIM Jammu, reflecting on the initial days when the land was allotted. As he spoke, attendees couldn't help but marvel atthe remarkable transformation that has taken place over the years. What once was a humble hilltop has now evolved intoa world-class institute, rapidly gaining recognition on the international stage. The journey of IIM Jammu is a testament toperseverance, dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.Prof. B.S. Sahay, Director of IIM Jammu, expressed that today marks a momentous occasion as IIM Jammu is inauguratedby Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji. He expressed gratitude to key stakeholders, including Shri DharmendraPradhan, Hon’ble Minister of Education and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India, Dr. JitendraSingh, Minister of State (Independent Charge), and Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, fortheir unwavering support and guidance to IIM Jammu. He also acknowledged the contributions of the Forest Departmentof Jammu and Kashmir and the Department of Higher Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir. He extendedheartfelt gratitude to Dr. Milind Kamble Ji, Chairman, Board of Governors, IIM Jammu, for his invaluable contribution tothe institution. On this occasion, he also expressed his gratitude to Shriram Dandekar, Former Chairman, BoG, IIM Jammu,and Shri Shri Deepak K Mukadam, Former Member, Board of Governors, IIM Jammu. Driven by its vision to develop globalleaders and entrepreneurs, he mentioned that IIM Jammu is committed to the progress of U.T of Jammu and Kashmir andLadakh, facilitating societal transformation, economic development, and thereby contributing to the nation's progress.On this occasion, team members of IIM Jammu, Central and Public Works Department (CPWD), and Agency werefacilitated on the occasion. The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Jabir Ali, Dean Academics, IIM Jammu. Followingthe inauguration, a cultural program was presented by the Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Arts & Culture (JKAACL).Grounded in the principles of innovation, inclusivity, and progress, IIM Jammu is poised to make significant contributionsto India's educational landscape and societal development.