Vrindavan Kumbh: Shahi Snan, Saints took out the royal procession

'Vrindavan Kumbh: Shahi Snan, Saints took out the royal procession'

The first Shahi Snan and Shahi Peshwai of the pre-Kumbh Vaishnav meeting was held in Vrindavan city of Mathura district on Saturday. In this, Vaishnav Mahants and saints took a bath at the royal bathing ghat. In royal style, Srimanta and saints took out Peshwai (procession). The devotees welcomed the Mahants and saints involved in the royal Peshwai who came out amidst tight security arrangements by pouring flowers from place to place. Sportsman saints performed tricks with weapons. In this Sant Samagam organized in Vrindavan at an interval of 12 years, everyone was seen in color in devotion.

At around 9:30 in the morning, a procession was carried out after duly worshiping under the leadership of the three Ani Akhara and Chatha sect. The procession began at Sri Devaraha Baba Ghat on the banks of Yamuna in the pre-Kumbh Vaishnav meeting area. At the forefront, the shadow portrait of Balanacharya, the founder of the Ani Akharas, was placed on the chariot. The Naga sadhus of the Vaishnava sect performed pattebaji during the Shobha Yatra. Gates have been erected in Vrindavan to welcome the Shobha Yatra. The townspeople were welcoming the saints with flowers. This procession passed through various paths and reached Shahi Ghat on the banks of Yamuna situated at Kumbh site after 12 noon. The saints came out riding on a camel-horse and horse-buggy with a bandage.

Mahant Sunderdas Maharaj of Singhapur Hanuman Temple told that the tradition of Kumbh in Vrindavan is different. Only Vaishnava monks take part in Kumbh here. In the Kumbh of Haridwar, Nashik, Ujjain and Prayagraj, saints of all sects including Vaishnavas, Shaivas are present. Vrindavan is the only Kumbh, where the shrine is also included in the Peshwai that precedes the royal bath. The temples are also given place with all due respect. In the procession of the four royal baths of Kumbh, there are also shrines of the temples along with the saints.

Harishankar Das Naga, president of the Braj Mandal of the Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad, told that this royal peshwai has special significance in the Kumbh Maha Parva or pre-Kumbh Vaishnav meeting. After reaching Peshwai in royal style, after reaching the Kumbh area, mark bathing will be followed by Shree Mahant and saint masses of the three Ani and their akharas, sects. This religious tradition has been going on since time immemorial. The traditions are being carried out by Vaishnava saint Mahants and devotees. This is the basic philosophy of Indian Sanatan Dharma.