Punjab Panchayats made a big announcement against drug abuse, decision taken unanimously in 715 villages

'Punjab Panchayats made a big announcement against drug abuse, decision taken unanimously in 715 villages'

The war against drug abuse launched by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann got a big boost in Amritsar district when 715 Panchayats of the district unanimously passed a resolution and declared that the Panchayats will not go to the police to support a person who sells drugs, loots or commits any crime.

In this regard, Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sahni, who sent the officials of the Panchayat Department to seek the cooperation of the Panchayats, while sharing this happiness said that she has appealed to the Panchayats that if drug abuse is to be eradicated from Punjab, then first of all we have to eliminate drug abuse from our villages, so it is important that you do not go to the police in support of such people, but inspire the police to fight against such people and take the cooperation of the district administration to eliminate drug abuse.

715 Panchayats blew the trumpet of war against drugs
He said that it is a matter of great happiness that out of the total 860 Panchayats of the district, 715 Panchayats have announced their support to him by blowing the trumpet of war against drugs. 64 Panchayats in Ajnala Block, 52 in Attari, 90 in Chogawan, 64 in Harsha Chhina, 48 in Jandiala, 95 in Majitha, 60 in Ramdas, 87 in Raiya, 83 in Tarsikka and 72 Panchayats in Verka have passed resolutions against drugs.