Members of Movement Kalki and the Cow Protection Organization today visited the Roop Nagar Animal Care Center, where a serious and shocking incident came to light. The members of the organization found that an injured calf, which had been brought from Billawar to the Jammu Roop Nagar Animal Care Center for treatment, was not being treated. The calf, which had a fractured leg and was writhing in pain, was left outside in the vehicle for almost half an hour to an hour, but the doctors did not take any action regarding the situation.
Questions Raised on the Doctors' Negligence
The doctors at the Animal Care Center refused to treat the injured calf and suggested that it be taken elsewhere. They argued that the center is only for treatment and not for housing animals. The members of Movement Kalki and the Cow Protection Organization strongly criticized this attitude, stating that the injured animal urgently needed treatment.
Complaint Filed with Police
In light of the seriousness of the situation, the members of Movement Kalki and the Cow Protection Organization filed a complaint at Janipur Police Station. They questioned who would be responsible if the calf had lost its life due to the doctors' negligence.
Post-Treatment Arrangements Made
After the intervention of Movement Kalki and the Cow Protection Organization, the injured calf was treated, and arrangements were made for its transfer to the Veterinary Hospital in RS Pura. The calf is currently being treated, and further arrangements for its care and shelter are being made.
Members Present in the Delegation
Members of Movement Kalki present at the scene included Anuradha Yogi, Sapna Hindu, Sushma Sharma, and the President of the Cow Protection Organization, Kaushal Sharma.
Message from Movement Kalki
Movement Kalki has demanded that improvements be made to the organization and working style of the Animal Care Center. Injured animals must receive immediate treatment, and proper care and shelter should be provided for them.