Jammu and Kashmir Police, District Doda in a statement has said that a Drug a Peddler has been arrested in Khellani area of Doda District and seized Heroin like substance from his possession.
Official sources said that, today on 03-01-2025, during routine checking of vehicles by Police Party of PP Khellani led by IC PP Khellani PSI Manish Singh, one Bus Bearing Reg No. JK02CN/0087 on its way from Jammu towards Bhaderwah when stopped at naka for Routine checking one person namely Babur Ahmed S/O Shah Mohd R/O Bhalessa Doda at present Bhalla stepped out of bus and fled towards Khellani market. After seeing his suspicious movement police party chased him and caught him after a Distance and conducted his personal search. During his frisking approximately 10 grams of Chitta like substance recovered from his possession. The peddler was arrested on the spot and a case FIR No 04/2025 U/S 08/21/22 NDPS act registered at PS Doda and investigation of the case has been started.
Doda Police has continued its drive to tighten its noose on the drug peddlers as an effort to eradicate the menace of drug. SSP Doda Sh. Sandeep Mehta-JKPS has appealed the general public to cooperate with Police and provide inputs if any drug peddling or any drug addiction is noticed in their neighborhood so that action could be taken against such offenders.