In Jammu and Kashmir, two bodies, including that of a 12 year old boy, were recovered today as rescue operation continued in Ramban district to trace five other missing people following a cloudburst on Monday afternoon. The cloudburst occurred in Kumate, Dhraman and Halla Panchayats in Rajgarh tehsil of Ramban district late Monday afternoon, causing flash floods in Tanger and Dadi streams. Seven people of three different families were reported missing in the flash floods. Despite the inclement weather, the rescue team has so far managed to retrieve bodies of two persons; Yasir Ahmad (20) of Gadgram and Khalid Ahmed Parihar (12) of Suli-Kumate villages. Meanwhile, efforts are underway to locate the remaining five missing people namely Naseema Begum (42), Shazia Banoo (6), Gulshan Begum (42) Seerat Banoo (8), and six-year-old Qazia Banoo of Dungar Dandllah. The rescue team includes personnel from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), local police and volunteers. Continuous rain has slowed down the rescue operation, as the rivulets are in spate. It took nearly three hours for the rescuers to reach the affected villages on foot. At least two government schools at Gadgram and Sonsua, and a couple of other structures also suffered damages, while three parked private vehicles were washed away by the flash floods. The district administration is mobilizing all available resources to assist the affected people. More details are awaited.